Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Assignment #3 Aesthetics and Movies

1. Aesthetic Experience

Every morning I walk down my apartment stairs and walk through the two great big doors of Olympia Mills.  As I take my first steps outside I always get a refreshing feel of a new start.  I wake up for classes before most of the student population at 8 am and it is always so calm outside like an ocean without waves. I never know what the weather is going to be like. Some days I go outside and the sun's rays beam down onto my head and make me feel warm and makes my body feel like the energizer bunny. Other days I walk outside and it's raining and the rain makes me feel like the earth is getting as clean as a whistle while I'm getting soaked running to my car.  These are the days that feel long, lazy, and relaxing. When its cold outside I walk out and my nose turns as red as Rudolph the reindeer's nose and I get the chills all the way down my body.  Making those first few steps out the door in the morning is the start to my day, a new day. Every morning is different, and the feeling of having the whole day ahead of me is exhilarating.

Cold Morning
Warm Morning
Rainy Morning

2. Pavarotti's "Nessum Dorma"

At the beginning of the song the singer sounded like he was making a reflection of what was going on almost as if he were telling a story, he sang like he was very relaxed which made me feel relaxed and I started drawing a yellow background because yellow is mellow.  The singer then sang like he was on a mission and he became more upbeat and which made me draw a shooting star because I felt like he was trying to make a point of accomplishment.  Then as the song progressed you could tell that the singer's emotions were growing stronger and stronger almost sounded like he had a feeling of anger. It made me think about fire and I used orange to depict the color of fire.  The song gave the sense like the singer needed something and was not going to stop until he got it.

3. The Establishing Shot

The establishing shot gives the movie viewer the main storyline and provides some background of the movie's location, characters, and the atmosphere. The establishing shot gives the viewers a visual on what they should look forward to and movie directors often use this to show a change in location. Movie directors will zoom in on one point that shows the location and then zoom out and show what the characters are doing.  An establishing shot can also show a theme to the movie by using a concept, like opening up with someone cooking in a restaurant kitchen can lead the reader to assume that the storyline of the movie revolves around cooking. It is important for the movie directors to provide an establishing shot because it helps the viewers determine which movie sequence belongs to which location and it helps to clarify what is going on and the overall theme of the movie.  

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