Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Assignment #2

Describe the 4 domains of creativity:

-Fluency is generating many ideas.  Artists are so used to using a paint brush that they have artistic fluency where they don't have to think about the paint and what colors to use because their ideas just flow directly onto the paper. 
-Flexibility is the ability to move from one idea to another and generating ideas from different perspectives.  It is important for artists to be flexible.  They need to be able to transform things and be able to see potential in anything.  Artists have to be flexible in their method, their materials, their approach, and to interpretation.  They should always be up to change. "Flexibility is the evolution of a finished piece" as said by Tony Calderone.

-Originality is generating unusual ideas from anything, for example in class we were given cups, a paper bag, and fabric and had to come up with ideas about what you could make from the materials.  Our class said that with the cups you could make horns, binoculars, and ear muffs.  Originality is something that you create without influence from others, it's your own. 
-Elaboration is the process of adding to ideas.  In class we did an activity where you take the last 4 digits of your phone number and create a story from it using the words that match up with the numbers.  My last 4 digits are 6988.  The 4 words that match up with those numbers were Picasso, Falling Water, Building, Find a magic lamp.  Then we took the 4 words and elaborated by creating a short story out of them. I came up with: After building a bridge that had falling water, Picasso found a magic lamp.  Artists need to be able to elaborate on their ideas to make one great idea into so much more.

Describe the Feldman Method of Art Criticism:

In class we were asked the question; "on average, how many seconds do you think someone spends looking at each piece of art in a museum?" and I was surprised to find out that on average people spend 3 seconds looking at each piece.  If people were to take in the Feldman Method of Art Criticism, then that average amount of seconds would increase.  The Feldman Method says that when critiquing art, one should take into account 4 steps by asking themselves these questions;
-Describe: Who is the artist? What is the medium? How big is the work of art? What are the characteristics?
...After describing the piece the critic should then move onto;
-Analyze: How is it balanced? What is the composition? What is the emphasis on? Does the piece have harmony? Think about every aspect of the painting.
...When you're done analyzing then you start;
-Interpret: Be open to what the artist is trying to say.  Think about what the main point the artist is trying to make.  Be open to the meaning of the painting.
...After you have completed the first 3 steps, then you can finally move onto;-Judge or Evaluate: What is your opinion?  Do you like the artist's flow of colors? Does the piece have any meaning for you?  Do you like the piece? How does it compare to other pieces?  You come up with your own opinion on the work of art.  What you think of it is for you to decide.

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