Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Assignment #5 Music

1. Describe Jazz music. Where did it come from, and what makes it particularly unique to Americans?
Jazz music was first widely seen in New Orleans but was also seen in other parts of America like St. Louis, Kansas City, and Chicago.  Jazz music is a combination of backgrounds from all races, mostly from American black folk music mixed with European instruments. Jazz is unique because it is a form of music that is based off of improve and a major theme of jazz is individualism.  Jazz artists start out their music with "I have something to say.." and then from there they play music that shows their individual personality and soul.

2. In Peter and the Wolf, what instruments play Peter, the duck, the wolf, the bird, Grandfather and the Hunters?

Peter: The strings instruments; Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
The Duck: Oboe
The Wolf: French Horn
The Bird: Flute
Grandfather: Bassoon
The Hunters: Timpani

3. Discuss Classical music. Who are some of the composers that are considered classical musicians?

When I think of classical music, I think of my high school's orchestra, elementary music class, and the opera.  I think listening to classical music is a great way to relax while I am trying to study.  It is not distracting like other types of music but soothing and helps me concentrate.  I never listen to classical music by choice for fun, only sometimes when I am studying.  Classical music is simple and is well harmonized and started in the 19th century.  The instrument that compose classical music are ones in an orchestra, the strings instruments.  Classical musician writers are known as composers. Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven are considered some of the greatest classical composers of all time and made the classical era a golden age.  Beethoven is a particularly great composer, he composed nine symphonies and the one I can always remember is Beethoven's fifth symphony, which is considered his "greatest" symphony.

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